All posts by Jiří Lipenský

Exhibition at Czech University of Life Sciences

Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences, Students for the Living Amazon, o.p.s. and Museum Vysočiny Havlíčkův Brod, p.o.

are pleased to invite You to the opening of the exhibition LIVING AMAZON that will take place on Friday, January 20, 2017 at 13:30 in T pavilion as part of the Open Doors Days of the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences at the Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague. The exhibition will stay there until February 20, 2017 and enable visitors to apprise by an accessible form the diversity and uniqueness of the tropical rain forest. Visual material introduces the natural conditions, indigenous flora, fauna, and interesting features of the Peruvian Amazon. The artwork of Czech “painter of the jungle” Otto Placht will help the audience to dream away and turn wild. The opening will be accompanied by presentation of Alexandr Rollo, MSc: “Adventures on the river Pacaya,” which will be held from 14:00.

We published Two new fieldguides

Thanks to the great support of Prof. Robin Foster, and his team from the Field Museum Chicago (especially Tatzyana Wachter), SLA presents with great pleasure two new photographic field guides. These publications focuses on commonly used indigenous (primarily) and introduced woody species in the Ucayali region of Peruvian Amazon. These include important timber species (e.g. some Meliaceae and Fabaceae), edible fruit bearing species (Annona spp., Matisia cordata, Psidium guajava…), species producing construction material (Attalea spp.), gum/resin/latex producing species (Croton lechleri, Ficus spp., Hevea brasiliensis…), some medicinal species (Brunfelsia grandiflora, Jatropha spp., Uncaria spp.), etc. Other guides are under preparation.

Lipenský, J., and Bortl, L., 2016. Common and 359useful woody species from Ucayali Region, Peru – Árboles y arbustos útiles e comunes de la Región Ucayali, Perú. Rapid colour field guide N. 359, the Field Museum, Chicago, IL, USA. Direct download available HERE (20 pp. pdf).

Bortl, L., and Lipenský, J., 2016. Useful palms (Arecaceae) from Ucayali Region, Peru Palmeras útiles (Arecaceae) de la Región Ucayali, Perú. Rapid colour field guide N. 820, the Field Museum, Chicago, IL, USA. Direct download available HERE (5 pp. pdf).